Bernhard Fürnsinn Energy Economics & Technology bei IGW Austrian Wind Energy Association

Bernhard Fürnsinn MSc. is responsible for Energy Economics and Technology at the Austrian Windenergy Association IG Windkraft. Therefore he is concerned with several technical questions and aspects of the development of windenergy. Furthermore he is responsible for electricity and market design topics within the association. The Austrian Windenergy Association is the Austrian interest group for Wind Energy operators, manufacturers and developers. Around of 95% of Austria’s installed capacity as well as well - known suppliers and many companies from the service sector belong to the members of IG Windkraft. Bernhard has a degree in Business Administration and Energy Engineering.

Stand 22.06.2021
Seminare mit diesem/r Referent/in
Due to the projected expansion of wind farms and the increase in tower height, the wind industry is required to deal with the visual impact and concomitant issues of obstruction lighting for wind turbines.
WEB INT 21-81-01