- Yusuf Tatli, Projektingenieur & Laborleiter, Key Wind Energy GmbH
- Status quo of offshore wind energy in Germany
- Global market developments
- Significance of offshore wind energy in the European energy transition
- Political challenges
- Innovations
- Manuel Battaglia, Senior Manager Politik & Regulatorik, Bundesverband der Windparkbetreiber Offshore (BWO) e.V.
- Thomas Gevers, Manager Public Affairs - Technik & Betrieb, Bundesverband der Windparkbetreiber Offshore (BWO) e.V.
- Main components and plant concepts - Special features in the maritime environment
- Offshore foundation structures at a glance
- Submarine cabling and substations
- Yusuf Tatli, Projektingenieur & Laborleiter, Key Wind Energy GmbH
- Influence of plant operation on the components: vibrations and unbalance
- Environmental influences on the components
- What are the consequences for future development?
- Yusuf Tatli, Projektingenieur & Laborleiter, Key Wind Energy GmbH
- Economic aspects of offshore wind energy
- Insight into the planning of offshore wind farms
- Financing options and relevant stakeholders
- Yusuf Tatli, Projektingenieur & Laborleiter, Key Wind Energy GmbH
- Yusuf Tatli, Projektingenieur & Laborleiter, Key Wind Energy GmbH
- Legal and regulatory basis
- Potential hazards and occupational safety requirements
- Employee requirements and qualifications
- Emergency planning and environmental protection
- Offshore grid connection in Germany
- Connection concepts and technical execution
- Special challenges
- Wolfram Breuer, Gesamtprojektleiter für Offshore-Netzanbindungsprojekte , TenneT TSO GmbH
- Overview of German offshore wind energy law
- Offshore spatial planning and approval procedures - everything different from onshore?
- Grid connection and tenders in the "central model
- Legal classification of typical project structures, roles, and participants
- Dr. Daniel Breuer, Partner und Rechtsanwalt, Osborne Clarke Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Part mbB
- Dr. Karla Klasen, Rechtsanwältin, Osborne Clarke Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Part mbB
15:30 Uhr
Offshore wind energy in practice: project contracts, electricity marketing and interface management
Infos- Trades of an offshore wind farm - implementation of legal requirements in project contracts
- Legal relevance of RACI matrix and interface management
- Claims management and the importance of public law compliance
- From EEG remuneration to offshore PPAs - electricity marketing as the basis for project implementation and financing
- Dr. Daniel Breuer, Partner und Rechtsanwalt, Osborne Clarke Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Part mbB
- Yusuf Tatli, Projektingenieur & Laborleiter, Key Wind Energy GmbH
- Logistics for offshore installation
- Geotechnical analysis and ground risks
- Insight into the construction of offshore wind farms
- Christoph Schallück, Geotechnical Engineer / Head of NoiseDesk, Van Oord Offshore Wind Germany GmbH
- Service and reporting concepts in offshore wind farm operation
- Integrating subsystems into an operations management concept
- Integration into control station /SCADA systems as added value
- Holger Fritsch, Geschäftsführer, Bachmann Monitoring GmbH
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